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Holistic Health and Wellbeing of Mind Body and Spirit

Soul Spectrum Healing

Krystal Clear Soul Integration and Alignment

Healing to accept who you are, just as you are,

while seeing the truth of your potential. 

The process of coming into Unity to embody your Krystic essence. 


I am a consciousness coach and spiritual counsellor

I offer a Sanctuary to

provide energy healing, spiritual mentoring,

support and guidance.


I offer one to one sessions where issues that you feel are holding you back can be addressed.

This is a form of counselling but also considers your needs on a holistic basis so we will not only see how your thoughts and beliefs have created your life but also uncover and clear any blocks held within the spiritual and mental bodies which have accumulated across many lives and across many dimensions.


Over time you will learn to discern your soul’s guidance with greater clarity. 

Strengthen your natural abilities to tap into intuition and your higher guidance.

To uncover the truth of your potential power. 

One that when used with discernment, wisdom and humility opens up new possibilities in your life.

This is not about fixing something that is wrong.

It is about releasing

that which no longer serves you.


Healing can sometimes imply we are fixing something that is broken but from a spiritual perspective know there is nothing inherently wrong with you.

Healing in this context can be seen as a process where all aspects of you come into wholeness.

It is a homecoming where it feels safe to integrate your shadow and release the trauma of simply being within the inverted matrix of this dimensional reality


All the information and knowledge you need to access your gifts, your talents,

connecting to your intuition and Higher Self and your soul purpose is within you.


It won’t magically appear unless you are willing to do the inner work to release and uncover all the veils of forgetting that lock this information inside of yourself. But once you start this journey of self-discovery you will be taken step by step towards the realisation that you are indeed a unique expression of Pure, Organic Source Intelligence

​​​​Life is expressing itself through you.

It is not something happening to you.

You get to choose what brings you joy.

It is that simple until we realise that the path to achieve our dreams

is often made complicated by our own doubts and fears 

which we have had imprinted on us by society, our family, and friends.

To start with the power of our ego can drown out the power of our soul

which makes it  easy to get distracted and to lose faith.

Unless checked it will continue to do so until we face our fears

and release the  programs that keep us feeling small and separate.

I am not here to heal you. You will do that for yourself.I am not here to give you clarity. You will discover that for yourself.I am not here to connect you to your Divinity.

You are already an expression of the  Divine.​

In this process I am here to hold the highest vision for your personal unfoldment.

To support you while you  expand your consciousness and gain clarity on your purpose.

Soul Spectrum Healing

is for anyone looking to expand

beyond their current situation

while creating a deeper connection to 

all aspects of life and themselves.


​Soul Spectrum Healing offers a bridge for you

as you reach the stage of embodiment where many people get stuck.

The services I offer allow you to move gracefully

from the head to the heart allowing a full integration and harmonising

of body,mind and spirit


"Destiny is granted with compassion.

There is a time to prepare for knowledge.

A time to receive it.

A time to live it."     

Sufi Teaching

Contact me to book your sessions

You may just need a single session to springboard you into alignment or you may wish to consider a three- or six-month package where we can dive deeper into your process.

One single session £120 -one and a half hours

Three sessions £333

Six sessions £600

All sessions need to be paid in advance


Karen Sophia Peck is a highly evolved being and a talented healer.  She creates a safe space that allows for deep surrender and risk taking.  She has a healing team of advanced beings and spirit guides who help her to achieve amazing outcomes.  She tunes into Divine Guidance which leads to amazing healing results.  For me, she released trauma in my lungs caused by the grief of losing everyone that I cared about early in my life.  My lungs lit up with light as the pain released.  You are not likely to find a more talented healer than Karen.  She has unique abilities.  I was blessed to have a chance to work with her.

Shalomar USA

Mountain Range


Healing in this context means coming into balance on a soul and physical level. We are working in a holistic way to bring mind, body and spirit into balance and harmony. After a session you may experience a physical detox or emotional release. These treatments are in no way meant to replace seeking medical advice.

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