Karen Sophia
Consciousness Coach
Sacred Sanctuary for the Soul

Divine Healing sessions are powerful co-creative sessions done in a very conscious way.
This incorporates spiritual counselling to help you understand and integrate the information that comes to light, as well as alchemical tools to shift energy blocks.
We make the unconscious conscious which allows very deeply held patterns to be released.
We are not trying to fix anything that is wrong but rather to peel back the layers that are preventing you from aligning yourself to your Soul's wisdom. Nothing will be revealed that you are not ready to face. There is no judgment about anything coming up as these are just seen as misconceptions that have given you a faulty program to follow. So even if trauma is being revealed as the root cause of an issue it is brought into your awareness in a very gentle way before being released.
These sessions allow the problem to be understood from the human perspective even though we are often working deep at the level of the soul.
During these sessions the deepest layers of an issue are revealed and cleared. This result in great insights which allows transformation to take place across mind, body and spirit. These sessions allow you to heal from illusions, faulty beliefs and past trauma which has created a barrier to becoming whole. This is an exploration and can bring great insights. With this clarity we can bring fresh perspectives to a situation.
Wholeness is where all aspects of who you are come into balance and harmony.
I am here to support and guide you in understanding what has been holding you back from being your most authentic self. Often by the end of a session you will have uncovered and cleared many faulty programs, all relating to the intention set at the start of the session. Once these issues are cleared you will gain new insights and understanding to allow you to take aligned action to move through your challenge without the heaviness that may have been holding you back in the past.
This channelled method of healing accesses and clears:
Your soul records and soul programmes
Inherited ancestral patternings
Unresolved past life issues
Hidden ego agendas, sabotages and conflicts
Blocked energy in the subtle bodies and chakras
Fear programs
Interference energies including entities
Physical, mental and emotional imbalances
Blocked energy in the organs and glands
Genetically encoded imprints
Judgements and negative beliefs
Shock and trauma
It can also facilitate the:
Regeneration and rejuvenation of your cells
Enhancing of brain functions/integration
Stabilisation of hydration/dehydration in the body
Encoding of healing essences, colours and crystals
Balancing your body’s nutrition and biochemistry
Harmonising and alignment of your energy bodies and chakras
Balancing the five elements
Healing your eyesight.
As well as the clearings you will receive activations and light language transmissions as guided by my healing team and your Divine Self.​
​Each session lasts between 1 hour to 1hr 30minutes.
via Zoom
£120 per session
Six session package £660
Payment is required in advance of each session
All sessions take place on zoom which allows me to connect across all time zones.
All energy healings and transmissions transcend time and space so all you need to do is be open to receive.
I had a Divine Healing session with Karen Sophia today, which was brilliant. Without very much input on my part, she was able to find and clear subconscious blockages that have been present throughout my entire life. Many of them revolved around guilt and the need to feel accepted. She also tapped into fear-based beliefs that were hindering my evolution and as a result I am now feeling a huge sense of freedom. My mind is more organised. Immediately I was able to recognise where I was holding myself back and how my conditioning was affecting my present life and my behaviour. I now feel that I am balanced and understand myself a bit more and ready to face any challenges ahead! I cannot thank you enough Karen Sophia!
Risha UK