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How would it feel to reach your highest potential?
To be aligned to your purpose and soul's contract here at this time on Earth?
To feel free to express yourself fully with the clarity and wisdom of your soul?
To be finally free of old energetic contracts and agreements that have kept you in the game of separation across all your previous lifetimes?


The world needs you 
to embody your Divine potential
and the full power of your soul.
This is a call to action.
This is the time.

 Karen Sophia Peck


I Facilitate

Multidimensional Healing and Activations


A midwife for the soul.

A transformational consciousness coach


I work with

Those who have a calling 

To  be free from the matrix.

To embrace freedom.

To be their authentic self.

Loving who they are and loving their life.


I offer quantumn healing experiences

that get you where you want to be in the most effective way possible.
These are tools for transformation across the spectrum of mind, body, and soul. 


​This is not about fixing something that is wrong. It is about releasing

that which no longer serves you.


Life is expressing itself through you.

It is not something happening to you.

You get to choose what brings you joy.

It is that simple until we realise that the path to achieve your dreams

is often made complicated by our own doubts and fears, 

which we have had imprinted on us by society, our family, and friends.

To start with the power of our ego can drown out the power of our soul which makes it  easy to get distracted and to lose faith.

Unless checked it will continue to do so until we face our fears

and release the  programs that keep us feeling small and separate.

In the process I am here to hold the highest vision for your personal unfoldment.

To support you while you  expand your consciousness  and gain clarity on your higher purpose. It is an exciting journey which can feel scary at times.

I am here for YOU

I am not here to heal you. You will do that for yourself
I am not here to give you clarity. You will discover that for yourself.
I am not here to connect you to your Divinity. You are already Divine.


Soul Spectrum Healing

is for anyone looking to expand

beyond their current situation

while creating a deeper connection to 

all aspects of life and themselves.


​Soul Spectrum Healing offers a bridge for you

as you reach the stage of embodiment which is where many people get stuck.

The services I offer allow you to move gracefully

from the head to the heart allowing a full integration and harmonising

of body,mind and spirit


"Destiny is granted with compassion.

There is a time to prepare for knowledge.

A time to receive it.

A time to live it."     

Sufi Teaching

​​This is powerful work, if you choose to work with me I intend that you will

expand consciousness,

align with your soul's destiny and truly believe in yourself.

I hold space for this transformation and I will fully support you in the best way I can.


In an uncertain world I believe being on a conscious path of growth

where you deeply connect to your souls' guidance

is the safest place to be.  


Ultimately this is about self empowerment, so it requires a commitment from you to reveal what lies hidden within you waiting to be revealed.

Even if your dreams may seem impossible for you at this time,

just know you do not have to be perfect to activate your soul's potential for this lifetime.


All it takes is a willingness to follow your heart.


If you have a desire to release all the blocks holding you back.

Feel you would benefit from clarity and support to allow your life to unfold in the most graceful way possible, let's connect, so we can start the magic of the embodiment of your highest calling for this life.

Connecting you to your joyfull path of ascension.



Let me assist you on your Organic Ascension Pathway through multidimensional healing modalities which will facilitate you on your healing journey.

 I offer support, guidance, activations and healing,to allow you the clarity needed to achieve your Soul's Destiny.

  • Soul Blueprint Readings which give clarity on your soul's plan for this lifetime. Why you are here and what your divine purpose is for this lifetime.​

  • Divine Healing Master Key which creates freedom from all the restrictions, contracts, vows and programs that have impeded your progress to be yourself. These sessions help you align to raise your frequency and see life with new expanded perspectives. With each programs released you will embody more of your soul's light and align to the next level of your highest soul's timeline.


  • Light Body Clearings and Activations, which creates a bridge from your highest potential, your Divine Blueprint, and your reality here on earth.  It allows your higher light to be embodied and grounded into your physical body to allow your highest potential to manifest. This is like moving from horse and cart to a rocket in terms of your evolutionIn these specialised sessions I will be working at a very deep quantum level to activate and clear your light body which creates a stronger connection to your Unified, Divine Self.


Karen Sophia Peck is a highly evolved being and a talented healer.  She creates a safe space that allows for deep surrender and risk taking.  She has a healing team of advanced beings and spirit guides who help her to achieve amazing outcomes.  She tunes into Divine Guidance which leads to amazing healing results.  For me, she released trauma in my lungs caused by the grief of losing everyone that I cared about early in my life.  My lungs lit up with light as the pain released.  You are not likely to find a more talented healer than Karen.  She has unique abilities.  I was blessed to have a chance to work with her.

Shalomar USA

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